Rehema Elimu
What is Rehema Elimu?
Rehema Elimu means “Mercy Education” in Swahili. Through The Daily Bread Program IAMercy got to know hundreds of poor children in the Kawangware slum of Nairobi. Over time IAMercy began identifying some of the most severe cases among these children (like children who wander the street and beg during the week). When financially possible IAMercy has committed to help children with their education who simply wouldn’t be able to afford it otherwise. We place these children in Rehema Elimu to help them get a basic education.
Formal and informal Education (School fees, lunches, uniforms, etc.)
Over the years IAMercy has placed a number of children and youth from the Kawangware slum of Nairobi in formal education. As of 2024, IAMercy’s Rehema Elimu program has 55 children enrolled in school. IAMercy pays for school expenses, uniforms, lunch fees, and for miscellaneous other items associated with education needs. IAMercy also has 39 children on campus getting informal pre-school. That’s a total of 94 children in IAMercy’s Rehema Elimu program.